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============================== F E A T U R E S ============================== dMagnetic is an Interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls. With it, it is possible to play the classic text adventures (or interactive fiction) "The Pawn", "The Guild of Thieves", "Jinxter", "Myth", "Fish!", "Corruption" and "Wonderland" on modern computers. ============================ R E Q U I R E M E N T ========================== dMagnetic tested and worked fine on the following configurations: - AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition (Kickstart 53.70, Workbench 53.18) ================================= U S A G E ================================= Copy ANSEY.font to your FONTS: directory To start a game, run dMagnetic [-ini dMagnetic.ini] GAME where GAME is one of [pawn guild jinxter corruption fish myth wonderland] PARAMETERS TO RUN THE GAME -ini dMagnetic.ini to provide an inifile -mag MAGFILE.mag to provide the game binary directly -gfx GFXFILE.gfx to provide the game graphics directly -msdosdir DIR/ to provide the game binaries from MSDOS -tworsc DIR/TWO.RSC to use resource files from Wonderland or The Magnetic Scrolls Collection Vol.1 -d64 m1.d64,m2.d64 or use the D64 images. (Separated by ,) -amstradcpc 1.DSK,2.DSK or use the DSK images. (Separated by ,) -spectrum image.DSK or use DSK images from the Spectrum+3 -archimedes image.adf or use adf/adl images from the Archimedes -atarixl 1.ATR,2.ATR or use .atr images from the AtariXL OPTIONAL PARAMETERS -rmode RANDOMMODE where mode is one of [pseudo real] -rseed RANDOMSEED to set the random seed between 1 and 2147483647 -vrows ROWS to set the number of rows for the pictures -vcols COLUMNS to set the number of columns for the pictures -vmode MODE where mode is one of [none monochrome monochrome_inv low_ansi low_ansi2 high_ansi high_ansi2 sixel utf] -vlog LOGFILE to write a log of the commands used -vecho to reprint the commands (useful for | tee) OTHER PARAMETERS -bsd shows the license -ega prefers EGA images -help shows this help -helpini shows an example dMagnetic.ini file --version shows 0.30 ================================ S O U R C E ================================ Source from: https://www.dettus.net/dMagnetic/ AmigaOS 4 port by ______ ______ ______ ______ ______|:: .__|:: .__|_____ ______|:: ___|:: ___|______ _____ |: , |: | |: | |: ,_|: ,__|:___ |:___ |: - |: ,_| |__|___|______|______|___| _____|______|______|______|___| home cross-compilation factory |
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