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 Readme for:  Network » Email » simplemail.lha


Description: E-Mail Client using MUI
Download: simplemail.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 1Mb
Version: 0.45
Date: 24 Dec 2018
Author: Hynek Schlawack, Sebastian Bauer
Submitter: uploader
Homepage: http://simplemail.sourceforge.net/
Requirements: AmigaOS 4.0 + MUI classes: NList, NListtree, BetterString, TextEditor, Popplaceholder
Category: network/email
Replaces: network/email/simplemail.lha
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 10775
Comments: 4
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 391  (Current version)
1445  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Welcome to SimpleMail, an email client for your Amiga. The GUI and
the usage are very similar to YAM's (although YAM is currently much
more powerful), but it has (or should get) some features which YAM
doesn't offer. Please note this is BETA software. SimpleMail is
Open Source and released under the GNU Public License. Look at the
bottom of this file to see how to obtain the sources or get CVS access.

SimpleMail requires OS3.0 and MUI 3.8.
It also needs some additional MUI Custom Classes:

 BetterString - http://aminet.net/dev/mui/MCC_BetterString-11.15.lha
 NList / NListtree - http://sourceforge.net/projects/nlist-classes/
 PopPlaceholder - http://aminet.net/dev/mui/MCC_Popph.lha
 TextEditor -  http://aminet.net/dev/mui/MCC_TextEditor-15.27.lha

Make sure that you always have the latest versions installed! Especially
having the latest NList classes (at least 0.96 of the package) is very

More information about the SimpleMail project can be found at


Developers are encouraged to take a look at


if they want to fork the project. They can also submit pull requests
in order to contribute to the project.

There is also a support mailing list:


SimpleMail is (originally) developed by

  Hynek Schlawack <hynek()hys.in-berlin.de>   - http://hynek.in-berlin.de/
  Sebastian Bauer <mail()sebastianbauer.info> - http://www.sebastianbauer.info/

You can also contact them if you have any questions regarding SimpleMail,
but please use the mailing list if possible.

Code contributions done by:
  Jörg Strohmayer
  Bernd Gollesch

MorphOS port done by:
  Nicolas Sallin

Initial guide done by:
  David Rey

Translations done by:
  Hungarian by Márton Dósa
  Polish by Jacek Piszczek, Mariusz Danilewicz
  Finish by Joni Halme
  Italian by Samir Hawamdeh

Images done by:
  Martin Merz (all GUI images)
  Richard Kapp (smily images)
  Uros Lepota (startup/shutdown images)

Taglines contributed by:
  Andreas Neumann

Great thanks to all of them!
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Amiga is a trademark of Amiga, Inc.

File Version Size Date OS Dls Readme
simplemail_openssl.lha0.422Mb25 Dec 20154.0345¤ SimpleMail (OpenSSL) - E-Mail Client using MUI
Copyright © 2004-2025 by Björn Hagström All Rights Reserved