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 Readme for:  Utility » Workbench » perciman.lha


Description: Person Contact and Information Manager
Download: perciman.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 2Mb
Version: 0.7.6
Date: 19 Jan 2025
Author: Ulrich Beckers
Submitter: Samir Hawamdeh
Homepage: https://via.i-networx.de/perciman/about.htm
Requirements: AmigaOS 4.x + RapaGUI plugin
Category: utility/workbench
Replaces: utility/workbench/perciman.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 13183
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 44  (Current version)
158  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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This is a program for managing contact and other information about people.
It offers information as to a person's addresses (private, work, etc.), phone,
email and web/social media contact, birthday, image file. 
People can be marked as friend, relative, business contact, almuni, etc.. It's
also possible to filter the list according to these flags.

There is a birthday reminder included (which lists following birthdays and
alarms 10 days in advance).

There is also a log file where a person can have additional information entered
about a particular date (e.g.: "23.08.2014 married" or "15.04.2010, Master of
Science in Physics" or such like), and a free-text field for notes of any kind.

You can add as many people as you want to into a data-set and you can create as
many data-sets as you like. For anyone in that data-set you can network them.
i.e. who knows whom, relationship (e.g. friend, relative, business contact,
unknown, etc.).

For versions prior to V1.0 some of the program's features are not yet fully

A computer running AmigaOS > 3.0, MUI and the RapaGUI plugin.

Check the website for more info: https://via.i-networx.de/perciman/about.htm


V0.7.6 released on 01-01-2024
- removed beta version validity restriction

V0.7.5 released on 31-07-2022
- web resources updated
- version valid until 14th of March 2023

V0.7.4 released on 30-01-2022
- picture files can get removed now (integrated in the "change picture menu"
- birthday reminder on startup and by mebu checks for different periods of time
- version valid until 14th of July 2022

V0.7.3 released on 06-07-2021
- fixed a critical error on importing data sets or at initial start
- adjusted to and compiled with Hollywood 9
- some small bugfixes

V0.7 released on 04-01-2020
- new: Birthday reminder
- fix: placeholder picture if picture hasn't been found
- fix: if data file has not been found a requester for an alternative gets shown
- fix 0.7.1: no empty message if no birthday within the next 50 days is detected
- improvement 0.7.2: compiled with Hollywood 9 (04-07-2021)

V0.6 released on 27-10-2019
- new: menu item to give feedback (via email)
- Buttons "new" work as intended now
- some housekeeping, trimming and cleaning (behaviour on resizing, switching
between tabs, loading files, etc.)

V0.5 released on 19-03-2019:
- new: added a contact network for all persons within the data set
- new: added an option fo mark persons as passed away
- quite some smaller improvements and changes

V0.4 released on 23-02-2019:
- the cycle gadgets to select filters are active and functional now
- English translation improved
- splash screen added
- quite some bugs eliminated

V0.3.1 releasd on 27-01-2019:
- support for English (default) and German
- update information
- some small improvements

V0.3 released on 07-01-2019:
- initial release for MorphOS, AmigaOS 68k and Windows
- just for a little testing!

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