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 Readme for:  Development » Debug » db101.lha


Description: First class debugger
Download: db101.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 402kb
Version: 1.1
Date: 28 Jun 2013
Author: Alfkil Thorbjørn Wennermark
Submitter: Alfkil Thorbjørn Wennermark
Email: alfkil/gmail com
Homepage: http://www.cphjazzquartet.dk
Requirements: Latest update of OS 4.1
Category: development/debug
Replaces: development/debug/db101.lha
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 8022
Comments: 5
Snapshots: 2
Videos: 0
Downloads: 487  (Current version)
741  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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===== LICENCE ========

This software is released under the GNU PUBLIC LICENSE (see LICENCE.txt).

===== ABOUT ==========

DEbug 101 is a source debugger for amiga os 4.1. It has
a lot of the features found in other debuggers like GDB,
but comes with a nice reaction gui. See the manual for further explanation.


Needs at least elf.library 53.13 to work.

==== KNOWN ISSUES ====

- Nested functions is currently not supported.

- Stacktracing is not really functional yet.

==== DONATE ==========

If you like this, feel free to make a donation via Paypal:


==== COMMENTS =====

If you have any problems or comments, please write to: alfkil()gmail.com


v. 1.1: Various updates and improvements

v. 1.0: completely revised GUI and added ability to interpret structs, unions
and enums
        numerous bugfixes
        added "detach" function from detached mode
        added "signals" window
        added posibility to set breakpoints at symbols and absolute addresses
        added step into and step out
        added ability to hexview any part of memory

v. 0.9: added Arexx port and console
v. 0.8: added attach mode
v. 0.7: added globals and correct reading of variable types

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