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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ShowFiles (sf) - 0.995 ====================== DIR/LIST command - displays a sorted and text-formatted list. ShowFiles (sf) is yet another DIR command (written in C). It displays a sorted and text-formatted list of files, drawers (dirs) and soft/hard-links on disk or other storage medium. It will also display their additional information such as size, date, possible comment, executable header type (68k or PPC program), protection-bits, etc, etc. It supports a number of different option/switch formats (Amiga like switches, Unix/Linux style and DOS/Windows style). It also supports wildcards/pattern- matching and Amiga templates. After installation, in the Shell, please type "sf HELP" (or "sf --help") for listing all options/switches. Or look in the .doc-file in the archive. Features -------- - Abbreviated as SF or just sf, fast and easy to type in the shell. - Dirs/drawers displayed in blue color (pen 3). - Executable files displayed in white color (pen 2). - Hard/Softlinks are displayed underscored (underlined). - Shows where any Hard/Softlinks points to. - Possible comments are displayed in italic. - Displays the "primitive" file type of files. - Fetches and identifies executable headers. 68k, PPC (ELF), EXE, among others. - Displays the Amiga file protection bits of files. - Shows free disk space and sizes in KiB (1024), kB (1000) and bytes. - Options SIZE and TIME, for sorting by size and time/date. - Option REVERSE, for reversing the output list. - Options (FILES, DIRS & LINKS) for displaying only files, dirs or links. Or intermix them. - Option 68K, for only listing m680x0 (68k) executables (AmigaOS 3.x). - Option PPC, for only listing PowerPC (PPC) executables (ELF headers). - Option ALL, for showing all files and dirs in directories and subdirs. - Option to TRACE files with an initial character ('/', '*' or (at)-char). - Option to TRAIL files with a final character ('/', '*' or (at)-char). - Possibility to specify a path to display. - Supports wildcards/pattern-matching. - Option BARE, for listing without heading/summary information. - Shows OwnerUID, OwnerGID and ObjectID (as reported by DOS). - Supports the ? switch, for showing the Amiga Template. - Option DATEFIRST for having the date first in every line. - Option REALDATES for dates in the international format YYYY-MM-DD. - Option NOCOMMENTS for omitting comments in output listings. - Option NAMES for displaying only names in the output listing. - Supports multiple formats of options/switches (f.ex: TIME --time -t /t). - Supports automatic updates through AmiUpdate. - Supports Shell/Console with black background. - Supports Shell/Console with blue background and white foreground with ANSI colors palette. - Written (in C) and developed on Amiga, for Amiga and Amigans. Special notes for this release ------------------------------ - NOTE: Option CLARIFY is now deprecated, please use MOST instead. - NOTE: Option REALDATE is now deprecated, please use REALDATES instead. - NOTE: No footer info implemented yet when pattern matching.. - All one-single-letter options such as a, -m, /P are case sensitive, where as non-single-letter options are not. Reason for this is because available free letters are becomming scarce for more options. - For the latest changes/updates, look in the Changes-section in the manual... Displaying dir-listings ----------------------- There are 4 main OUTPUT VIEWS for displaying dir-listings, typing the following (without the "1>" string): 1> sf = displays all the files in current dir with the *DEFAULT* view. 1> sf NAMES or 1> sf -n = displays a list with only filenames 1> sf MORE or 1> sf -m = displays a list with more specific information including what exe type a file is (PPC (ELF), 68k, exe etc.) 1> sf MOST or 1> sf -M = displays an even more clarified list of specific information. More examples ------------- Options can be written in any of the four different types. For example MORE, --MORE, -m, /m, more and --more, are all the same option. However, one single letter options such as m, -p, P, /H, etc are case- sensitive, non-single letter options are not. 1> sf 68K or 1> sf -6 = lists only 68K executables. 1> sf TIME or 1> sf -t = sorts by time/date (oldest first). 1> sf TIME REVERSE or 1> sf -t -r = sorts by time/date (newest/latest first). 1> sf DIRS or 1> sf -d = displays only drawers (dirs). 1> sf SIZE REVERSE or 1> sf -s -r = displays a list of files sorted by size, the biggest at the top. 1> sf ALL or 1> sf -a = displays all files and dirs in a directory and its sub-directories. 1> sf sobjs: -l -c = displays only links in the dir/assignment called sobjs: 1> sf HELP or 1> sf --help or 1> sf -? or 1> sf /? = displays the help with a list of all switches/commands. 1> sf ram:t/n#? = displays all files and dirs in RAM:T starting with character n. Limitations ----------- - No footer info implemented yet when pattern matching. - When fetching for exe-files (using MORE or MOST option, sf doesn't (yet) recognize the architecture for MacOS files, it does only recognize if it's an exe-file (for what ever architecture) or not.) Installation ------------ Just run the file ShowFiles.Install, or: * Copy the file ShowFiles to your C: * Type the following and hit enter: C:MakeLink C:sf C:ShowFiles SOFT FORCE Or you could add the following line to your S:User-Startup: Alias sf ShowFiles [] * Copy the documentation to SYS:Documentation/C/ * Done! Milestones and major events --------------------------- 2016 Feb, version 0.981 - Fixed so sf works with Shells/Consoles with black background. 2015 Jul, version 0.970 - Pattern matching implemented. 2014 Feb, version 0.943 - A rare bug with option ALL (recursive dirs) found, and tested on A1-X1000, Sam460ex and Sam440ep-flex. Bug caused by a compiler switch. 2013 Dec, version 0.923 - All major/minor typos, quirks and bugs resolved in all scripts (AutoInstall, Install and UnInstall scripts). 2012 Nov, version 0.8 - Renamed to ShowFiles (SF/sf) from DF (DisplayFiles), due to a name-clash. 2011 Feb, version Beta 5, (0.5) - AmiUpdate implemetation completed and fully working autoinstall. 2011 Feb, version Beta 2 - Dynamic memory allocation for storing file meta data (dir listing handling), no more "max limit of 1000 files". 2011 Jan, version Alpha 1 - First public release. Changes ------- Version 0.995: (Apr 2023) - Compiled with the new SDK 54 with gcc version 8.4.0 (adtools build 8.4.0). Version 0.994: (Jul 2021) - Fixed bug that made Error 11 always show up on plain listings. (Failed allocating memory for some reason. Maybe introduces during Kickstart version 53.14 - 54.30, or some other DOS update.) - Clarified an error message (the above Error 11). Version 0.993: (Jan 2018) - Added white color (pen 2) as foreground on executable files. - Optimized the output listing, roughly about 41% faster now! Tested with 50 items (42 files + 8 dirs). The whole command before had a mean of 0.3399 s and after the optimizion now a mean of 0.2014 s. However don't trust these values too much though, as the values fluctuates pretty much. - Made some minor changes to the three scripts. Version 0.992: (Jan 2018) - Added commands SETANSICOLORSON and SETANSICOLORSOFF, set either one depending on if you use ANSI colors or System Pens as your Palette in the Text Colors tab in Console Preferences. - Added command SETBLUEBG for setting the background to blue. You might also set to use ANSI colors with the command SETANSICOLORSON. Version 0.991: (Dec 2017) - Fixed issue in MOST view with uneven columns after Object ID now returns numbers with more digts. - Some changes to TRAIL and TRACE. Now TRACE has -i as one letter option and puts the symbol before the name. While TRAIL has -j and puts the symbol after the name. Version 0.990: (Dec 2016) - New NOCOMMENTS option added, for omitting comments in output listings. (Kind of suggested by Guillaume (zzd10h).) - New NAMES option added, for displaying only names in the output listing. (Suggested by Severin.) (PS: both -l and -L for LESS are already taken/reser-ved) - New TRACE option added, allows files to be "traced" with an initial character. Dirs with an initial "/", executable with an "*", and links with an (at-char). - TRAIL is now opposite to TRACE, allows files to be "trailed" with a final character. - Fixed issue, (sometimes) the pointed link would appear not visable. - Bugfix: -E now works for DATEFIRST as expected. - Added one letter option -R to REALDATES ("promoted" from command to option). - Fixed issue, DATEFIRST -E added to documentation. - One new-line added to the MOST output. - Added alternative way of installation to readme, thanks Severin. Version 0.982: (Feb 2016) - Fixed missing command (BARE) in the Template output and manual, it was in HELP and readme though. - Fixed so the Template is alphabetically sorted. - Fixed more contrast to the arrow (->) in links, color changed to black. - Fixed missing REALDATES and DATEFIRST in features in readme. Version 0.981: (Feb 2016) - Fixed "sometimes missing footer" (appeared in the wrong color). Thanks Guillaume (zzd10h) for reporting. - Fixed wrong colors in comments when black Shell. Thanks Guillaume (zzd10h) for reporting. (PS: Option for omitting comments already on TODO-list.) - Fixed issue, "A block of text appeared in the wrong place in the readme". - Fixed a few missing commands in the Template output in help and in manual. Version 0.980: (Feb 2016) - Added MOST aka -M option, same as CLARIFY and -c, but easier to remember. - Added SETBLACKBG command for setting the background color to black (pen 1), when using a Shell with black background. - Added SETNORMALBG command for setting the background color to normal (grey, pen 0), when using a Shell with normal/grey background. - Added PRINTENV command for printing out the ShowFiles (sf) environment/ configuration variables. - The option REALDATE is now deprecated, please use REALDATES instead. - Included all error codes and their meaning to the manual. - A number of typos fixed in readme. Version 0.972: (Sep 2015) - Compiled with latest SDK version 53.29. - Fixed case sensitive issue with pattern matching. (thanks Guillaume (zzd10h) for reporting) - Fixed a rare condition where header whould not render correctly. - UseCount removed from output, DOS structure no longer support it. Version 0.971: (Jul 2015) ...//snip// (See the doc/manual for more information.) Thank You --------- Thank you to everyone giving help, feedback, bug/error-reports and suggestions. Individual credits are in history body text. Requirements ------------ AOS4 (requires locale.library V48+ or DOS V50.36+ if locale not available). AmigaOS 4.1 FE recommended. Licence ------- This software is freeware. Donation -------- Feel free to make a donation by using PayPal: marko . seppanen // g m a i l. com (without spaces) Author ------ Marko K. Seppänen Homepage -------- http://m4rko.com/amiga |
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